Quick Start

This page contains a list of all Quick Start articles. If you would like to suggest content for an article, please email us at sites@iastate.edu. All of these topics are covered in more depth in the WordPress Codex.

Getting Started

sitemap.pngSite Planning: the first stage of composing a website, including sitemapping and wireframing. Visit this page to learn how to begin planning your ePortfolio.

scan_webWriting for the Web: a brief primer for web authoring, including key concepts and differences between print and screen. Visit this page to find resources and terms related to web-authoring.

sm-wp-logoWordPress Overview: an overview of the WordPress platform, including resources and a glossary. This page contains terminology that might be useful in understanding other articles on this site.

Creating Content

sm_add_pagePages and Posts: information about WordPress’s main content types, as well as instructions for how to create basic content.

sm_add_categoryCategories and Tags: information about different ways to organize posts for readers, including main differences and how to create them.

sm_editorEditor: a diagram of the TinyMCE editor and its functions, as well as instructions for customizing your editor. Having a nicely customized editor can speed production.

sm_add_menuNavigation: instructions on how to create, add to, and edit navigation menus, as well as on how to choose theme locations.

sm_insert_mediaMedia: an overview of the media library, including how to upload files and insert them into pages and posts, as well as how to use the media editing tools.

sm_cyboxEmbedding and Linking Using Cybox: instructions on how to create hyperlinks and embed documents and images.

Embedding and Linking Using the Media Library: instructions on how to create hyperlinks and embed documents and images.

Embedding a Prezi: describes how to embed a Prezi presentation into a page or post using shortcodes.

How to Create a Slideshow: describes how to create a slideshow and embed the slideshow into a page or post using shortcodes.

Site Administration

sm_user-roles Users and Roles: information about WordPress user accounts and and user roles, including ISUComm Sites-specific roles. Useful for granting access to others.

sm_passwordPrivacy and Security: details about how to secure your account, and tips about passwords. This article is about general information security.

smpublish_menu Visibility: instructions for how to set visibility of pages and posts, and how to password-protect certain content. Useful for presenting to multiple audiences.

sm_themes Themes: an overview of WordPress themes and how to customize the look and feel of your site. Also includes information about the effects themes have on your content.

sm_widgets Widgets: an explanation of what widgets are and how to use them to provide improved functionality.

For Teachers

class_list_thumbAccessing Student Lists: instructions for quickly accessing and downloading lists of student contacts, using the secure AccessPlus platform.