This page contains a list of all Quick Start articles. If you would like to suggest content for an article, please email us at All of these topics are covered in more depth in the WordPress Codex.
Getting Started
Site Planning: the first stage of composing a website, including sitemapping and wireframing. Visit this page to learn how to begin planning your ePortfolio.
Writing for the Web: a brief primer for web authoring, including key concepts and differences between print and screen. Visit this page to find resources and terms related to web-authoring.
WordPress Overview: an overview of the WordPress platform, including resources and a glossary. This page contains terminology that might be useful in understanding other articles on this site.
Creating Content
Pages and Posts: information about WordPress’s main content types, as well as instructions for how to create basic content.
Categories and Tags: information about different ways to organize posts for readers, including main differences and how to create them.
Editor: a diagram of the TinyMCE editor and its functions, as well as instructions for customizing your editor. Having a nicely customized editor can speed production.
Navigation: instructions on how to create, add to, and edit navigation menus, as well as on how to choose theme locations.
Media: an overview of the media library, including how to upload files and insert them into pages and posts, as well as how to use the media editing tools.
Embedding and Linking Using Cybox: instructions on how to create hyperlinks and embed documents and images.
Embedding and Linking Using the Media Library: instructions on how to create hyperlinks and embed documents and images.
Embedding a Prezi: describes how to embed a Prezi presentation into a page or post using shortcodes.
How to Create a Slideshow: describes how to create a slideshow and embed the slideshow into a page or post using shortcodes.
Site Administration
Users and Roles: information about WordPress user accounts and and user roles, including ISUComm Sites-specific roles. Useful for granting access to others.
Privacy and Security: details about how to secure your account, and tips about passwords. This article is about general information security.
Visibility: instructions for how to set visibility of pages and posts, and how to password-protect certain content. Useful for presenting to multiple audiences.
Themes: an overview of WordPress themes and how to customize the look and feel of your site. Also includes information about the effects themes have on your content.
Widgets: an explanation of what widgets are and how to use them to provide improved functionality.
For Teachers
Accessing Student Lists: instructions for quickly accessing and downloading lists of student contacts, using the secure AccessPlus platform.