ISUComm Sites is secured

April 11, 2014 eyork

On Monday afternoon (April 7th), news broke of a widespread security vulnerability, known as Heartbleed, that affected the majority of websites on the internet, worldwide. By the morning of Tuesday, April 8th at 7:30 am, our servers were patched, and since then our sites have been reissued valid security certificates, which means network traffic is safe and secure.

Due to the nature of the vulnerability, and as a precaution, we are recommending to everyone that you change your password, not only for your account on this site, but also for other affected website accounts, especially highly sensitive ones such as NetIDs and online banking accounts, as well as social media accounts. This is especially true if you’ve re-used passwords from one site on another. Please contact us at if you have any questions or concerns about any of these matters: security remains our highest priority.