Example ePortfolios
This page links to example ePortfolios developed for ISUComm Courses. These examples would be suitable for students to view, to help them think about how to structure and assemble their sites. If teachers or students need better access, please email sites@iastate.edu.
Foundation Communication 250 Portfolio

This ePortfolio demonstrates site structure and use of media for an English 250 ePortfolio.
It includes introductory and concluding reflections, as well as reflective pieces on examples of the Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic modes of communication.
This demo also demonstrates embedded video and an interactive image gallery.
Foundation Communication 150/250 Portfolio

This ePortfolio demonstrates site structure for an ePorfolio that spans English 150 and 250.
This demo shows an accordion menu. Site mapping is important for handling a lot of content, so this portfolio will help to manage content spanning multiple classes.
Advanced Communication

This example demonstrates a professional portfolio of technical communication work for an English 314 course.
It includes a professional profile page, as well as pages and a menu for examples of technical communication such as technical instructions and data visualizations. It also demonstrates use of sidebar widgets and dropdown menus.