This page offers a reflective writing prompt for Assignment #6: Electronic Portfolio.
Context for Instructors
This prompt offers an opportunity for students to engage in critical self-reflection about electronic communication as they think about what the genre of the eportfolio has allowed them to do–and thus be. It also offers instructors an opportunity to see and reflect upon students’ learning. It is not intended for students to write during the final exam period, since these are questions that should require more depth of thought, effort, and revision than the final exam allows. It could appear on the “E” page, or it could be a separate page,post, or link.
“E” Reflection Prompt
In this ePortfolio you have combined carefully chosen artifacts and thoughts about those artifacts into a website. Your website presents a customized look at your progress during the semester and at who you are as a communicator.
As you reflect upon the choices you made as you created this site, think about the following questions. Choose two and answer them in a brief essay by using specific examples from your experience as you composed your ePortfolio.
- What are the advantages to being able to author web content, rather than merely being able to browse it?
- What does web composing give you the power to do as you communicate with a particular audience?
- How is web composing similar to and different from other types of communication you have done in your past?
- Now that you’ve become a web composer, what do you see yourself being able to do with these skills and abilities in your personal, professional, and/or academic life? (Remember that not all the skills and abilities you have developed are technical!)