B2- Choosing our Audiance

A lot of planning went into the design of our project. Deciding who we were targeting with our instructions was no easy task and it was made even more difficult by some of the different people we thought of. They were all very different, so we needed to select the one that we could address the best. I worked a lot on creating all of these different personas as well as a reader analysis of the situation. When thinking about this, it was made clear to me that I needed to create a very targeted audience so that I would be able be detailed enough to be useful.

Some of the work I did was pretty rough like the document to the right. They were done quickly and the main purpose was to get information on the page so that we had an idea of where to start with this project. It gave us a great reference to return to whenever we were not sure how something should be worded or whether or not we needed to include certain steps in our final presentation.


Reader Analysis


There were also a lot that went into making our personas. They were essential in how we wrote our instructions and made sure that we stayed on track with all of the requirements that were necessary in our final deliverable. They took me a long time, but I also had a little fun getting to make up people and give a brief intro to who they are in the hopes that it explains why they have certain expectations. You can see all of the different personas in the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

The reason we were able to be so efficient with this project was because we were diligent about sticking to our timeline as close as possible. Outside of the fact that it all got shifted every once in a while when the whole class changed plans, we stuck to our individual assignments really well. This is essential when you are collaborating with group of people and we couldn’t have been this successful with out a schedule. Here is a quick preview:

Screenshot 2015-11-12 13.33.19

In the end, all of the pre-design payed off because we had all the ground work laid out, so all we had to do was put the presentation together.

You can also see the assignment page here



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