About Me: 

IMG_0340My name is Neh Batwara and I’m a senior in Computer Engineering  at Iowa State University. I am an international student at Iowa State and serve as an International Student Ambassador here. I’m a passionate programmer with specific interest in Java. Other languages I have worked with are C, Embedded C, Verilog, VHDL, JavaScript and PhP.


Career Objective: 

On completion of my B.S. degree in Computer Engineering, I intent to work full time in my field with an emphasis on Networking and Data Security. I believe my undergraduate education at Iowa State has given me important skills like project management, team -working apart from my core engineering skills. I think this diverse skill set will help me a lot when I work in the industry.

This websites will give you a glimpse of some of the past projects I’ve completed and also share a reflection of my education at Iowa State.



Enough about me; let me know more about you. So, if you have anything you’d like me to work on or discuss, feel free to drop an email.

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