Infrared Transmitter and Receiver

In the final project of the year, we are to design a device that either turns on a red LED or green LED, based off of a user input. There will need to be two circuits: the first one will be to transmit a signal of varying frequencies through an infrared LED, and the other will be to take that signal and amplify it so that we can light up the designated LED for that frequency. The transmitting circuit will have two oscillators, an amplifier and an infrared transmitter. The receiving circuit will be comprised of an infrared receiver, bandpass filters, full-wave rectifiers, and comparator circuits for each of the different frequencies that need to be transmitted. To put all of this into one device, we will need to create multiple sub-circuits that have a specific function. The plan is to build each step one at a time according to our calculations and then test the section to make sure it is working properly. Once each section is complete we will combine them all to create our final product. If we use these sub-circuits effectively, we will be able to fulfill the goals of this project, and do it in a relatively quick manner.