About Me

My name is Wyatt Lauer, and I am currently a senior in Electrical engineering at Iowa State University. Throughout my time in school, I have done a lot of soul searching to find out that I would like to go into the power side of EE. I was interested in so many different things that it was hard to narrow it down, but my two internships have helped me do just that.  In the end I think I have made the right choice, and I can see myself having a great career in my field.

I am a huge sports fan. Being from Minnesota, hockey is my first love. I started skating about the same time I learned how to walk, and it has always the thing I go back to when I need to relax. While most kids use video games as a way to relax and have fun, I have found that I much rather do something active because it lets me use up all my build up energy. Without sports growing up, I don’t think I would be as successful as I am today. You learn so many valuable life lessons such as teamwork, and leadership that you cannot always find in other activities. They had help define me as a person, and continue to shape me today.

Lastly, family means everything to me. Being from a huge extended family, I have always had huge get togethers, and parties for Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, etc… It’s such a good feeling to be around so many people that care about you and are willing to help you in any way they can. I attribute a lot of my success to  the support and encouragement I have gotten, as well as the great advice they have provided me. Without them, I wouldn’t have chosen engineering, nor would I be the person I am today. They have helped me grow up and realize what is expected out of me in the world, and I will forever be indebted to my family for that.