September RCPC and RPC Good News

Here are some of the great things we’ve been up to over the summer, and coming up this term!

Conference Presentations

Vince Robles will be presenting his dissertation research at the Association for Business Communication in October. The title of his presentation is “Engaging with Users to Diagnose Technical Problems: A Discourse Analysis of Helpdesk Encounters.”

Matt Baker and Vince Robles will present their research at the Conference for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication in October. The title of their presentation is “Peer Feedback Methods in Online Technical and Professional Communication.”

Laura Dunn will be presenting on a panel at the NCA pre-conference in November with Sara Parks, Rachel Murdock, and Shannon Fanning. Her specific presentation title is “Binding the Binary: Embracing Both Critique and Service Amidst Vaccine Controversy”

Matt Baker was also accepted to present at ABC in October.

Derek Hanson will be presenting as part of the Student Research Competition at SIGDOC in September in Arlington, Maryland.


Grad School Progress

Dale Grauman submitted his comps!

Tom Ballard passed his comps!

Laura Dunn is all done with coursework–hooray! She’ll be working on her reading list this semester.


Grants and Awards

Kathy Rose got a travel grant from the International Writing Centers Association.


Life Outside of Grad School

Kathy Rose beat breast cancer this summer!!!

Matt Baker’s wife, Marianne, gave birth to their new baby boy, Hyrum John Baker, in May.


Publications & Submissions

Tom Ballard’s first peer-reviewed article is now in print: “YouTube Video Parodies and the Video Ideograph”, published in the Rocky Mountain Review in June.

Bryan, Barb, Kathy, and Tom have an article out for review in the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.

Tom submitted an article to the online journal Programmatic Perspectives in July.

Derek and Jordan had a publication just come out in TCQ: (Jordan Smith, Jo Mackiewicz, Derek Hanson, Shannon Fanning, Sara Doan).


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